Ultrasonic Cleaning operates a 600 sq foot ISO 14644-1 Certified ISO Level 5 Cleanroom, where we inspect, test, certify and package cleaned parts or assemblies.
An ISO Level 5 clean room classification allows us to easily certify to most cleaning test method standards. An ISO Level 5 rated and certified cleanroom must have less than 3,520 particles >0.5 micron per cubic meter of air sampled and will have about 250-300 HEPA filtered air changes per hour. The equivalent FED Standard 209E rating is class 100 or 100 particles or less per cubic foot of sampled air at >0.5 microns measurement size.
We are also able to perform NVR Testing and oven bake-off of solvents within our cleanroom integrated oven system using NIST calibrated analytical balance scales for weighing the residual balance of non-volatile residues. We are often called upon as a third-party testing facility to verify the results provided by other labs from all over the world.
When even stricter product cleanliness levels are required, we have a separate 8’ long cleanroom laminar flow bench within our cleanroom that is certified to meet an ISO Level 4. This solution is employed when highly specialized precision cleaning for semiconductor tool and equipment applications are required.